Crazy Mango
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Post by 88 on Dec 27, 2018 4:18:58 GMT 7
Another libtard narrative bites the dust. That being that most of the "refugees" were women and children fleeing the Syrian war zone. Whereas in reality it was 99% young military age males leaving Syria lured by the promise of welfare, free stuff and lots of dopey tards to shag over in uber-liberal Europe. And what happens? "and spoke to some of the students at the University of Damascus, 70 per cent of whom he observed are women. “Look around, you just see women. The university, on the street, in cafes, just women,” students Safaa and Sheima told Sommarström." www.breitbart.com/europe/2018/12/26/kick-them-out-syrian-women-tell-europe-send-men-home-rebuild-country/
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Post by siampolee on Dec 27, 2018 6:38:06 GMT 7
Problem is the Syrian males won't return they're on easy street living (leeching) off of the welfare state certainly beats working for a living.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by rubl on Dec 27, 2018 10:07:28 GMT 7
I guess it all depends on who you ask. Trump withdrawing, with Saudi 'financing' Syria rebuild (allegedly, Trump said so) and with Turkey pounding on Kurds (again). Trump stays in Iraq (I mean let his U.S. forces stay he promised, he left already after his surprise Trump Democrat Shutdown Wall Promotion Tour). It would seem that the mess in the area is only increasing. Anyway, seems one of the students said something like 'make our men come back', The "Syrian women" breitbart talks about seem a non-liberal retard's dream. Also the context had somehow disappeared in the breitbard article. The part about 'first an amnesty' There's no info on how to get Assad to agree or how to stop all the fighting, ISIS ain't dead, many factions fighting each other, Israel, Saudi, Iraq, Iran, Turkey meddling, Kurds trying to survive again, Russia 'helping' and Trump's America having bombed enough going home with a new big real big 'Trump mission accomplished' sign. "Soon eight years of war have affected the demography in Syria - now there are many more young women than there are young men in the country. And that large parts of a whole generation of young men have simply disappeared having consequences in society. Hear reports from our correspondent Johan-Mathias Sommarström." – Den riktigt unga generationen finns kvar och den gamla, men de unga männen har dött eller lämnat Syrien säger Lina. - The really young generation is still there and the old one, but the young men have died or left Syria says Lina. She regrets the shortage from many perspectives, and many young women will be forced to go unmarried, there are not men so it is enough and moreover it will be more difficult with the reconstruction. She believes that young men are needed for the heavy construction work when streets and buildings are to be rebuilt. She wants the government to issue a permanent amnesty. Those who fled to avoid having to do military service should come back if they help build the country and she wants other countries to send home the Syrians. – Lösningen är att sparka ut dom och få hit de till Syrien där de kan börja bygga upp landet igen säger Lina. - The solution is to kick them out and get them to Syria where they can start building the country again says Lina. – I framtiden kommer du att se kvinnor som lagar bilar eftersom kvinnor måste ta traditionella mansjobb för att kunna försörja sina familjer säger Safaa. "In the future, you will see women who repair cars because women have to take traditional men's jobs to be able to support their families," says Safaa. sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=1650&artikel=7118966PS only breitbart, gatesofvienna and the Occidental Enclave of voat have the nice popular title.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by rubl on Dec 27, 2018 11:46:56 GMT 7
Trump's tired of fighting ISIS, doesn't even consider it America's job anymore (unless they pay of course, or buy sufficient weaponry). "Trump Takes a Warzone Victory Lap—And Trips President Trump used his first visit to Iraq to defend his decision to outsource the ISIS fight to a fickle ally. It wasn’t a very convincing case. This should have been a victory lap for a president hailed by the military for letting them loose to attack ISIS, unconstrained by the reluctance and micromanagement of the Obama administration. But President Donald Trump has just announced the U.S. would be leaving the job to Turkey, leaving Kurdish and western coalition allies in harm’s way, and abandoning the field of battle to Syrian dictator Bashar Assad, Russia, and Iran. “We’re no longer the suckers, folks,” President Donald Trump told a group of about 100 troops, most of them special operators, in an unannounced holiday visit to Al-Asad Airbase, in northern Iraq. He added that other countries can no longer expect the U.S. to do their fighting, unless they are willing to pay for it. “The United States cannot continue to be the policeman of the world,” he said. He defended his decision to turn over the ISIS fight to Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. “In Syria, Erdogan said he wants to knock out ISIS, whatever’s left, the remnants of ISIS,” Trump told reporters on the trip. “And Saudi Arabia just came out and said they are going to pay for some economic development, which is great; that means we don’t have to pay.”" www.thedailybeast.com/trump-takes-a-warzone-victory-lapand-trips
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Post by smokie36 on Dec 27, 2018 16:56:37 GMT 7
Apparently Tony and blether have eloped to Damascus together.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by rubl on Dec 27, 2018 17:12:58 GMT 7
Apparently Tony and blether have eloped to Damascus together. More likely they're on a quest, hunting for the lost treasure of Lady Hester Stanhope. Even if not successful imagine all the new stories our dear Bleth will be regaling us with.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by Mosha on Dec 29, 2018 4:56:19 GMT 7
UNHCR figures give 75% of refugees are males aged 19 to 45. The other 25% are split almost 50/50 between women and children.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by me on Dec 29, 2018 9:52:10 GMT 7
UNHCR figures give 75% of refugees are males aged 19 to 45. The other 25% are split almost 50/50 between women and children. Are not children male or female?
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by oldie on Dec 29, 2018 10:08:38 GMT 7
Yeah man up, p**s off, and rebuild your country.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by AyG on Dec 29, 2018 10:34:45 GMT 7
UNHCR figures give 75% of refugees are males aged 19 to 45. The other 25% are split almost 50/50 between women and children. Surely shome mishtake. They are largely economic migrants, not refugees.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
The wondering type
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Post by rubl on Dec 29, 2018 10:55:50 GMT 7
UNHCR figures give 75% of refugees are males aged 19 to 45. The other 25% are split almost 50/50 between women and children. Surely shome mishtake. They are largely economic migrants, not refugees. What with the fighting in Syria and the Kurdish area of Syria, Iraq and Turkey please from there can be called refugees. Mind you with a lot of 'migrants' from Africa the situation is less clear but for many the label 'economical migrant' would seem appropriate. BTW will a post-Brexit Britain re-instate the Immigration Act 1971?
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by AyG on Dec 29, 2018 11:39:58 GMT 7
What with the fighting in Syria and the Kurdish area of Syria, Iraq and Turkey please from there can be called refugees. If they were genuine refugees they would seek refuge in the first safe country they came to. However, they are pressing on and on to get to countries where they can benefit greatly from lavish handouts from the state, and never work a day again. The reasons we see these people washing up on the coasts of Europe are almost exclusively economic.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by rubl on Dec 29, 2018 11:49:45 GMT 7
What with the fighting in Syria and the Kurdish area of Syria, Iraq and Turkey please from there can be called refugees. If they were genuine refugees they would seek refuge in the first safe country they came to. However, they are pressing on and on to get to countries where they can benefit greatly from lavish handouts from the state, and never work a day again. The reasons we see these people washing up on the coasts of Europe are almost exclusively economic. A few points on that. As I wrote the ones from Syria can be called refugees as there is a war going on. There are enough dead there to prove this. Furthermore the Greek and Italian government tend to 'promote' moving on to spread the burden. In part they do this by locking refugees up in Concentration Camp like facilities, in part by disallowing refugees to do anything. Even criominals in a prison are treated in a better way. Lastly as I wrote those from Africa, especially below Saharan Africa can be called economical migrants. Same with people from Pakistan, India, and other former colonies who tried their luck in Britain before the door was looked on them.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by AyG on Dec 29, 2018 13:02:36 GMT 7
As I wrote the ones from Syria can be called refugees as there is a war going on. There are enough dead there to prove this. And there are plenty of reasonably stable, safe countries much closer to Syria than Western Europe, such as Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt. They only end up in Western Europe because they are economic migrants, not refugees. And a lot of the men leaving Syria are army deserters and draft dodgers, cowards unwilling to fight for their own country's stability.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
The wondering type
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Post by rubl on Dec 29, 2018 13:48:21 GMT 7
As I wrote the ones from Syria can be called refugees as there is a war going on. There are enough dead there to prove this. And there are plenty of reasonably stable, safe countries much closer to Syria than Western Europe, such as Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt. They only end up in Western Europe because they are economic migrants, not refugees. And a lot of the men leaving Syria are army deserters and draft dodgers, cowards unwilling to fight for their own country's stability. After WW-II we saw a lot of migrants to Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries. Should they have been sent back? As for the 'draft dodgers, cowards' it's like not wanting to serve in the Wehrmacht and risk being shot or put in a concentration camp. In Syria's case a nice gas attack can't be ruled out either. Assad is the legitimate leader of Syria some have it and that means all against him are rebels. Even America and Russia are helping him, allegedly that is.