Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
The wondering type
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Post by rubl on Feb 24, 2022 9:31:56 GMT 7
Two days ago a hostage taker was rammed by a unmarked policecar as he tried to tried to pursue a hostage who tried to run away. Seems he was badly hurt and now has died. i can already hear some say 'excessive police violence' but the hostage taker has explosives attached to his body although these were not primed. "Apple hostage taker did have explosives, but they were not primed""De 27-jarige man die dinsdagavond tientallen personen in de Apple Store in Amsterdam gijzelde, is in het ziekenhuis overleden aan zijn verwondingen. Dat bevestigt het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) woensdagavond na berichtgeving van Het Parool. Een dag geleden rende de gijzelnemer de Apple Store uit nadat een gegijzelde man was ontsnapt. Een onopvallende politieauto reed de gijzelnemer vervolgens hard aan." Google translate: "The 27-year-old man who took dozens of people hostage in the Apple Store in Amsterdam on Tuesday evening, died in hospital from his injuries. The Public Prosecution Service (OM) confirms this on Wednesday evening after reporting by Het Parool. A day ago, the hostage-taker ran out of the Apple Store after a hostage escaped. An inconspicuous police car then hit the hostage-taker hard."
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by AyG on Feb 24, 2022 12:56:46 GMT 7
It is unfortunate that the Dutch media are not allowed to report the man's ethnic origins, or whether one of his names is "Mohammed". However, the use of suicide vests is hardly common amongst people who don't adhere to The Religion of Peace.
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
The wondering type
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Post by rubl on Feb 24, 2022 15:49:28 GMT 7
Lawyer v.d. Brink on request of the mother of the hostage taker reported to newspaper 'Het Parool' that the man had died in hospital. Furthermore it seems the lawyer has represented the man in previous cases.
Het Parool writes "Abdel Rahman Akkad, de man die dinsdag na een gijzeling in de Apple Store op het Leidseplein werd aangereden door een arrestatieteam is woensdagavond in het ziekenhuis overleden aan zijn verwondingen."
It also seems that A. contacted police himself and after some talks demanded 200 million Euro in cryptovaluta. "Aan het begin van de gijzeling zocht Akkad zelf contact met de politie. Hij eiste uiteindelijk 200 miljoen aan cryptovaluta."
Crazy Mango Extraordinaire
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Post by rott on Feb 24, 2022 22:56:19 GMT 7
Well there you go.
Posts: 15,840
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Post by smokie36 on Feb 26, 2022 6:45:20 GMT 7
And they lived happy ever after.
The End.